desk with papers and laptop on it

Does Your Business Need a Free Paperless Audit?

There are many benefits of adopting the practice of being paperless in your business or even in just your personal life. Over the years that we’ve been in business, we have helped numerous companies go paperless in one aspect of their operations or another but there are some companies that want to go paperless but they don’t exactly know where to start.

If your company, organization or business falls under that description then SignTech has the perfect solution for you.

SignTech paperless solutions is offering free audits for any company that would like to take the first step into going paperless. The audit will involve a thorough assessment of the areas in your company that could see some improvement. Once your company has been assessed we will recommend cost effective solutions that would help your company improve in those aspects of your operations and eventually help you go paperless.


What reasons would your company have for doing this paperless audit?

Asides the positive environmental impact that the reduction of your carbon footprint would have on the world, a move like this greatly improves your company image and profile in an increasingly eco-conscious world where people, consumers more so than most are concerned about not just the product or service their getting but also how it is sourced. Consumers are more likely to trust companies with a good code of ethics. It an undoubtedly a very effective way to save money. With us numerous companies like Santander bank, Barclays bank, GtBank, Cranfield University have saved up to millions of pounds by simply adopting our paperless solutions in one area of their operations or another.


What benefits can you expect from the process of going paperless?

Going paperless is a very great way to save you money by eliminating the need for need to purchase things like a printer, ink, and of course paper itself. Going paperless doesn’t just save you money but it also gives your business a good look- you’d be able to say that you run a green company or at least an eco-conscious practice. It also helps you save time and reduce manual errors (things like losing files, and spelling mistakes) simply by making your processes a bit more automated. You save time on processes that are monotonous and this increases the efficiency of your business- your staff have an easier time getting their work done and hence they can do better jobs and focus on important tasks that need to be done. All these aspects come together to increase the overall efficiency of your business.


What happens after the audit?

Now let me make this clear so that you don’t misunderstand. SignTech Paperless Solutions does not do the greening up for you for free but rather we tell you exactly how to do it. After our assessment it is up to you to do the actual work by implementing the actual changes.

SignTech Paperless Solution’s audit is a step that I would recommend any day and any time and to businesses looking to make an improvement in the way their operations are run. Contact us for more information.

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