How Amazon Digital Office is revolutionising eSignature SaaS

As more businesses shift towards digital solutions, electronic signatures (eSignatures) have become an increasingly popular tool for streamlining document signing processes. However, the problem is many eSignature solutions are expensive, which makes it difficult for small and medium-sized businesses to adopt this technology. This is where Amazon Digital Office comes in, with its affordable unlimited use SaaS products that have revolutionized the eSignature market.

Go Paperless With eSignatures

Time To Go Paperless with eSignatures

So many people think using eSignatures or Digital Signatures will cost quite a bit of money.  

SignTech Paperless Solutions have changed the game significantly but creating a platform that not only allows you to create eSignatures, but it allows you to create what DocuSign describes at PowerForms.

Electronic Signature Verification

I have had many companies ask me about electronic signature (sometimes referred to as eSignature) verification features when it comes to completing and singing forms on smartphones, tablets and PCs.  

Companies such as DocuSign provide an electronic signature certification feature.  However there is a flaw in that certification service.  

All it means is that they certify the signature on a particular form signed by a user is the same as the initial signature they entered or uploaded when they set up their account.

Exiting Lockdown

We have had lockdown restrictions imposed for nearly six weeks and there now appears to be a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel signalling the lifting of conditions.  I personally do not think we will simply return to the way we used to do things prior to the lockdown.  Now that we have been forced to adapt there are some positive outcomes that have emerged.

COVID-19 And Paper

As the Coronavirus situation accelerates on a global scale with further lockdowns in multiple countries, travels restrictions, business shut downs and more, we have been busy looking further into how the COVID-19 behaves with regard to paper.
