iphone flatlaid on a table

5 Things you (probably) didn’t know your iPhone could do

Technology has proven time and time again to be an integral part of our growth as human beings- influencing everything from our diet, to our infrastructure, our economy and even our climate. How we interact with the world is determined by technology.

The everyday object of the iPhone is now seen as so common that when we talk about new tech and advanced technology it doesn’t necessarily come to mind. After all we know everything there is to know about using our iPhone that it doesn’t feel like new technology anymore. Right?

blurry image of people walking in a train station

Your (slightly more) Eco-Conscious Morning Routine

In the lives of the working individual with a 9-5 no matter what kind of job that is, there is one thing that remains true consistent- your morning routine. From the moment you wakeup, shower, get ready for work, have breakfast (if you’re the type to eat in the mornings) drink your morning coffee, drive to work, hail a cab, call an Uber, take a bus/train to work and you get started on your day. You make decisions that affect the planet either positively or negatively. So how do we take this typical morning routine and make it slightly more eco-conscious?


SignTech Paperless Transformation Course

What is SignTech?

SignTech paperless Solutions is a company that takes paper-based processes such as filling out forms, signing contracts, inputting any sort of information into any sort of database and turns it into a seamless paperless process within your company and between your business and your customers.


SignTech’s Paperless Transformation Course

What is SignTech?

SignTech paperless Solutions is a company that takes paper-based processes such as filling out forms, signing contracts, inputting any sort of information into any sort of database and turns it into a seamless paperless process within your company and between your business and your customers.


SignTech’s Paperless 6-Sigma Cost Reduction Program

SignTech paperless Solutions is a company that takes paper-based processes such as filling out forms, signing contracts, inputting any sort of information into any sort of database and turns it into a seamless paperless process within your company and between your business and your customers.


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