Where are My New Years Resolutions?

There is a time of the year for about 24 hours where everyone in the world has insane amounts of conviction and motivation. Between December 31st and January 1st change, although it only lasts for a short while, happens worldwide. New year is inspiring.

Looking Back. And then Forward

It’s been an eventful year for all of us. We at the paperless company have had many wins and losses this year, accomplished a lot and we’re still aspiring to some goals.

SignTech is a fairly new company; we’ve only been live for a few years and so we’re still growing. We will never stop growing but in this early stage we have a lot of growing to do, financially, size-wise, human resources, you name it.

The Christmas Police

Christmas is the season we remember the birth of Christ our Lord and Saviour and it’s the season of giving, thanksgiving, presents, eggnog (I never really understood the fascination with eggnog as its not bud-pleasing), hot chocolate and St Nicholas (Santa Claus).

The Eco-Friendly Christmas?

Ah, Christmas, that time of the year where everyone is happy, snow falling (in some parts of the world). The whole world seems to have caught some happy Christmas bug. Even the most bourgeois of corporations have lights and ornaments hanging all around, nativity scenes lining the streets, people falling in love under the mistletoe… and lets not forget about the tree. Oh the Christmas tree, so beautiful that songs have been sung about it. The angel sitting at the peak of the leaves, surrounded by a circular array of decorations, so lovely.

Your Daily Routine is Harming the Planet

Hello all, SignTech paperless solutions here. I think I have touched on every subject imaginable in relations to sustainability and the planet. But what about you? Yes. It’s easy to say, “I’m just one person, how can my beauty/skincare regimen or my cleaning habits be harming the planet? Really.”
