Looking Back. And then Forward

It’s been an eventful year for all of us. We at the paperless company have had many wins and losses this year, accomplished a lot and we’re still aspiring to some goals.

SignTech is a fairly new company; we’ve only been live for a few years and so we’re still growing. We will never stop growing but in this early stage we have a lot of growing to do, financially, size-wise, human resources, you name it.

We attended so many conferences and events just so that we could improve our interaction with you all, our clients. From Hungary to Denmark, we attended events (as can be seen in our SignTech diaries series) this was also great bonding time for the team; travelling together and staying in different places having no one but each other to depend on in different countries. From San Francisco to London- we went to a lot of places for you guys!

SignTech was introduced to larger audience at the apps world exhibition where we were interviewed by iTech- a tech review company.

A significant happening this year was the start-up boot camp where we got valuable feedback on the product from consumers. You guys helped us improve our product and hopefully all this effort has resulted in improved customer service and better products with you all.

But you, the client should be the judge of that. Have you felt like our interaction with you and your company has improved significantly over the past year?

We started a kick-starter campaign, which wasn’t as successful as we hoped it would be, but you win some you loose some *sniff*. We’ve learnt that next time we could do it better.

We were selected as one of the top 5 big ideas of 2014 in the international E-Lance competition. This was a great accomplishment for us as we were exposed to many people and put in contact with different companies. It increased our value as a company and helped us see some weak points that we could improve on.

5 new videos were released this year completely explaining what SignTech paperless forms are and what we do to help you and the environment, so just in case you aren’t sure what we’re about the videos are on our site. Watch them anytime, and spread the word.

Looking forward we want SignTech to have more of a global impact focusing on small to medium sized businesses all around the world. Helping people to realise their goals and dreams and being part of their- your success story is one of our greatest aspirations for the next year and more to come. Because of this we made pricing plans for everyone. Yes everyone. Individual business owners that cant pay to large corporations with unlimited forms. The starter package for example is completely free. You get 100 1-page forms, 1 user support, signature, PDF integration a personal URL and public and private forms all for… nothing!

We have plans as little as £4.99 a month all the way to £39 per month. So for the sceptic that isn’t quite sure they want SignTech, try out the free plan. For the single business owner, you can do the solo plan. If you’re a little off the ground go for our Lite or Flexi plan, which are £8.99 and £14.99 respectively.

Making more people aware of the eco-logical impact of not going paperless and really spreading the word about going paperless and the company in general. For instance do you know that over 1billlion trees worth of paper is thrown away every year in the United States? Imagine how many more in the rest of the world. We can’t keep letting the eco system be destroyed especially since have so little time before we pass the point of no return. Talking about the benefits of going paperless is more important than ever.

We can only hope, aspire, plan and pray that the year 2015 is as successful as we want it to be.

What are you successes and losses of 2014 and what do you hope to aspire in 2015?