
Why Paper?


a lady bug in her natural habitat

Reconnect with Nature

June 5th happened to be World Environment Day. So to commemorate it, I did what I do best: Research.


Metablism Improving Foods

Although this blog is a Signtech blog that promotes paperless forms and solutions,  paperless business forms, going paperless and all that good stuff, we want you to be the healthiest you. So every now and then, it’s important to us to share some form of useful health information. And, that’s what this post will be about.

There are thousands of articles about diets and fads and pills on the internet that people swear would burn your calories without any manual effort on your side. However, most of them are FAR from the truth.

man cycling in nature

The Smog Eliminating Bicycle

I have previously discussed on this paperless blog about the smog concerns China has faced. In the hopes of seeking for a smog free future, different inventions and regulations have been put into place to deal with this pollution problem. Daan Roosegarde invented a smog free bicycle. It’s supposed to be similar to the Smog Free Tower also produced by him.

plastic ring in river with grabage

To All That Litter

Another day is always another opportunity for me to inform you on the many reasons why you should convert your office’s business forms into paperless business forms & paperless forms for greater work efficiency and to reduce your carbon footprint. However, today I want to talk about another type of waste- litter.

I’m sure when you throw away your plastic bottles incorrectly, you don’t think about how much damage it actually does. It’s just a little garbage, right?
