football on grass pitch

Are You Really the Champions?

For football lovers, it has been a really special season. For one, the UEFA Champions leagues has been ongoing, all over the world, and it a booming football season worldwide. It’s a really exciting time for millions of people all around the world. However, I’m not one of these people. When it comes to football, I’m not really much of a fan, in fact, honestly, I pay it no mind. But, there’s a sheer beauty to the game that even I, a non-football lover, cannot help but see. It’s a game that unifies, brings together, and impassions. 

SignTech Makes it Easy

Are you frustrated with the time consuming process of completing and filling forms. Are you tired of wasting money buying stacks of paper that would only be discarded shortly after? What about those pesky printing costs?

Well the good news is there is a smarter way! SignTech is paperless platform that allows you to complete and sign any document, any place anywhere in just a matter of seconds. There would no need to print and scan anymore; it will become a thing of the past!

All you would need to do is:

book and pencil on a table

You Win Some, You win Some

Did you know that the Association for Information and Image Managed found most (92%) companies are interested is going paperless? Bet you didn’t know that little tidbit. Okay, I didn’t either until I was preparing for this article. This information is rather interesting and exciting for a pro-paperless blogger such as myself. More people are becoming aware of the numerous benefits that a business experiences when they decide to convert their regular, outdated (if you ask me) business forms to paperless business forms.

hands typing on a macbook keyboard.

Survey: Consumers WANT you to go paperless

If you thought that going paperless is a decision a company makes without regarding what its consumers really want, then, think again.  A survey by “Inlet” showed that more consumers would like to go paperless. Researchers actually found that more than half of consumers would give up chocolate IF in return, they wouldn't receive paper mail. I repeat. They would give up chocolate. Let that sink in.


Researchers also found that half 'are comfortable' storing personal information/items - including pictures - in the cloud.

man in green forest

Teenager is On track to plant a billion trees

I feel like on this paperless forms blog, I generally talk about things we need to do like boycotting business forms and substituting them with paperless forms- making greener choices and leading a more ecofriendly life. Today, however, I decided to go along a slightly different route, and instead celebrate those who are getting it RIGHT. Yes. There are those who are blazing the trail for others to follow when it comes to protecting the environment. One of such people, that I shall actually focus this blog post upon, is Felix Finkbeiner.
