wooden office desk with laptop and a plant

4 Ways going Paperless Affects the Efficiency of your Business

There are many benefits of adopting the practice of being a paperless office or business or even in just your personal life. Over the years that we’ve been in business, we have helped numerous companies go paperless in one aspect or another but there are a few positive changes that remain constant with every company as they notice improvements



Declutters the workspace and your mind

This might not seem like much but if you’ve ever been to an office or you’ve worked at one you know the power of a clean and simple work environment. Having papers strewn across your desk, stacked on each other, sifting through files is counterproductive and it doesn’t help your mental state.

We honestly believe that the time you’d have papers all over your desk is over. Its 2019 and with virtually everything having the ability to be made paperless your workspace doesn’t have to be cluttered or messy with documents and files. A good working environment reduces stress levels, increases productivity and provides a fertile space for happiness and good energy to thrive.


Saves time

We’re told time is money, but unlike money you can’t make it back. This makes time more valuable than money. Time lost to unnecessary tasks is something that could break any business. If you and your employees have more time to do things that can’t be automated this increases productivity and increases the efficiency of your business. You reach goals faster, get better results because you’re not using brain power to think about something that a simple app could handle.


Prevents the unnecessary expenditure of energy

If you don’t need to print out that document why waste the energy doing so? If you don’t need to go all the way to the office to fill out the form why do you have to when you can do it anytime, anywhere. If everyone inputs their own information themselves why do you need one person to fill and check 100 entries every day? Your human resources are also a commodity you need to protect- if you can automate a process then do so. Making a process paperless means you’d probably need to hire less people and the people that are working for you save energy because they don’t have to do things that can be done with an app, a computer, a tablet or any device.


Saves money

Paper costs money, but so does automation of a certain processes- however, studies have shown time and time again that in the long run- automation does not just save you the cost of paper but you’re saving by cutting down on the cost of things like printers, material resources like paper and ink, number of staff needed for certain tasks, physical office space.


In this technologically forward climate we don’t actually need to have to convince any business or individual to go paperless. It is convenient, easy and ultimately cheaper than using paper. What do you have to lose?



SignTech Forms is an innovative paperless platform that converts existing forms and documents into paperless forms that can be completed on smart devices and electronically signed seamlessly (with full data integration). For more information visit www.signtechforms.com or email expert@signtechforms.com