Coronavirus Admin Risk Assessment

Following the rapid escalation of the Coronavirus #COVID-19 situation, which is clearly having a global impact on businesses, the SignTech Paperless team ( have had a brainstorming session to determine what they can do to firstly ensure their staff are protected and do what they can to limit the spread of the virus from person to person.


They are also looking at ways to help their clients with regard to business continuity as well as what clients can do to their business processes to further prevent the spread of the Corona virus as well as reduce the associated administrative risks to their staff and customers.


There is one particular customer that contacted the team back in February informing that they were relocating their manufacturing operations from China to the UK in order to combat the effects of the Virus. 


At that time some people thought it to be an overreaction, however with hindsight it was a very good contingency plan.  


SignTech Paperless Solutions has created a paperless Coronavirus Risk Assessment process to ascertain the risks posed by business processes with regard to the use of paper forms. 


This will help organisations understand the relative level of risk they face from using physical paper forms and will provide corrective actions that can be taken to reduce the identified risks.


The first step is to complete the Coronavirus Light Risk Assessment form.  This will only take a few minutes.  The team will then review your risk assessment form and send you a report in response as soon as possible (usually within 3 business days).


The Corona Virus Risk Assessement form can be accessed using this link:


In the meantime please follow the guidance and instructions provided by the NHS and relevant government authorities to reduce the risk of spreading the Corona virus.


Note that the risk assessment is by no means a medical one, it focuses on the risks associated with using and processing paper forms and physical documents as well as providing mitigating actions to reduce those specific risks.


If you have any questions or queries please visit or contact


SignTech Forms is an innovative paperless platform that converts existing forms and documents into paperless forms that can be completed on smart devices and electronically signed seamlessly (with full data integration). For more information visit or email