Paperless Africa

Six years ago we embarked on what seemed to be an insurmountable challenge to help all companies go paperless.  Our first target is to eradicate the need for paper forms.  When you think of it the purpose of a physical piece of paper in the process of completing a form is mainly to gather information/data, which is then transferred into digital/electronic format for further processing and in the end the paper is destroyed (even if stored for a period of time).

To address this we built an in-house platform that enables companies to convert their paper based forms and processes into paperless electronic digital processes instantly.  When we are called into an organization, we review their processes and collect their forms on day 1 and by the end of day 2 all their forms have been converted and they are left with a fully integrated end-to-end paperless workflow – without compromising their brand, look and feel.

A key region we are keen to help go fully paperless is Africa.  It is great to have Rwanda’s largest ISP, Broadband Systems Corporation (BSC) have switched to paperless forms using SignTech Paperless Solutions.  All staff members from the sales team through to the CEO have gone through the SignTech briefing process and are impressed with how simple the solution is to use.  We would particularly like to thank Christian Muhirwa, BSCs innovative and forward thinking CEO, for embracing environmentally friendly paperless services.

This is a truly special day for SignTech Forms and for me personally.  It is a great feeling to see what was only a vague idea not too long ago blossom into reality.  At this rate, with the help of our local partners in Africa, our goal of totally eradicating all paper forms from Africa by the end of 2020 if firmly in sight.

Special thanks to @Ana Botin of Santander Bank for supporting us both financially through @Santander Universities as well as personally through her words of encouragement and challenging questions about our strategy.  Our thanks also goes to @Cranfield University who are providing a growth environment for small businesses to flourish along with @Barclays Eagle Labs