
They say that Mondays are the bane of many people’s existence, especially those who go to work. I beg to differ. I actually am excited to come to work (almost) every morning especially knowing the purpose for the company that I work for goes just beyond selling our product to the masses and being conscious of the fact that I am a part of this. I love Mondays. Most times.

But there is something special about this Monday 24th of March 14 that makes it even more special than usual. SignTech is launching the Kickstarter campaign today.

This is where you come in. Think of it like the butterfly effect; I’ll explain the stages as we go along.

The first stage; SignTech and You:

Hopefully, you will take a look at our campaign and decide that this interests you; maybe you should look further into this. As you delve deeper into what you hopefully will be investing in, you’ll see what we stand for and decide to make a contribution. Just because we at SignTech have clients like the banking giant Barclays and Sprynt international doesn’t mean that any sort of contribution is too small. A million is a million ones… Small contributions make huge differences. The more people that give in smaller amounts could end up being just as important as large donations from individuals.

The second stage; SignTech and your business:

With help from people in the Kickstarter campaign. SignTech, we as a company will be able to make the things we’ve dreamed of become a reality, and one of those things is collaborating with you, your company, your small business, your corporation. By helping us we in turn will help you run better, everything will be easier. You will save on so much money that you spend printing out papers, the costs of those cabinets that you file them in, and your human resources can be assigned to other more important tasks than organizing forms. Which will help you run much better than you ever did before. Are we bragging…? Yes. Yes we are.

The final stage; SignTech, your, your business and the world:

We can call this the huge ripples of the butterfly effect. SignTech has infiltrated all the companies that we can possibly handle and in turn reduced by a drastic amount, the amount of paper that people use for printing out all kinds of forms and also the production of it, which in turn saves trees. Afforestation saves countless habitats and prevents the extinction of many species. The more plants that are in the air, the cleaner the air we breathe is which aids in lengthening our life span, and prevents the depletions of the ozone layer by harmful gases- in turn slowing down, hopefully stopping the process of global warming and the innumerable problems that come along with it.

It does seem like such a huge ending from just a small kickstarter campaign doesn’t it? And although even some part of me might call it unrealistic and too optimistic his is what SignTech was created for, to make a global impact, and we hope that you will help us in making this become a reality.

In turn for your help there are rewards, including hugs, yes… hugs, from consultation services to being able to get our app, when it comes out for free, we at SignTech will make your pledge worth your while.

SignTech is an innovative paperless platform that creates forms and documents for full completion, signing and integration. For more information visit or email