Could Small Ponds be Accelerating Gobal Warming?

Rising temperatures could accelerate climate change by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide stored in ponds and increasing the methane they release, new research shows.

steak on a plate

Climate Change Makes for Tougher Meat

Dear reader, if you have paid any attention at all to my blog posts, you will realize that the world is changing, as we know it. In fact, you may have gotten tired of hearing about climate change, the effects of Global warming and why we need to go paperless, but, alas, that will not stop me because it’s something that continually needs to be addressed. I might not be able to single handedly annihilate global warming, but this is my ever so humble contribution towards the cause. So, I hope you aren’t tire of me yet as I will never tire of writing to you. Anyways, I digress.

melting ice in the artic

Can We Re-Freeze the Artic?

I’m not much of a Scientist. In fact, I am not one at all. I am a paperless writer & blogger. In high school, I was not keen on chemistry or Physics or Mathematics, because my grades weren’t all that great. I just found them so mentally tedious and uninspiring. Let’s just say, applied Science isn’t really my thing. However, I love seeing what science can accomplish. From medical breakthroughs to technological innovations designed to save energy, science has brought a lot of good to our world.

frozen flakes in a drop of water

Too Cold for Global Warming

Okay so if you’ve been paying attention to the weather forecasts in the UK, and other parts of the world, you would have heard about the plethora of harsh winters, snow storms, icy breezes, widespread frost and so on that is happening. Yes, we have been experiencing cold winters in many parts of the world. As a result of this, a lot of people have been questioning the actual validity of Global warming. “If winters are still quite cold, how can there even be global warming?”.

hammock in the woods

The lazy guide to Saving the Planet

I spent some time wondering what exactly I wanted to write about today on my beloved paperless blog. It did not come easily to me as I was having one of those lazy days. I had barely left my bed to do much of anything. I was just not having it. All I wanted to do was sleep… or more accurately, hibernate. I scrolled through social media on my phone, ate some food and just basically rolled about on the bed under the covers. Then it hit me!
