barren field with dead plants

Climate Change

Today as I write to you on this humble paperless blog, our world is changing. Many disregard how dire it really is because they think (and I was guilty of thinking like this too) that the world will really go to crap only after they’re dead. Well I hate to burst your bubble but that’s not true.

a ladybug on a white background

Paperless Simplified

Paperless business forms seems like an intimidating term doesn’t it? Paperless business forms and the word ‘simple’ don’t really go hand in hand. Is natural to be sceptical when someone explains the straightforwardness of using something called SignTech paperless solutions.

light bulbs

Saving Energy in Your Home (Electricity)

They say charity starts from the home… despite my undeniable large amount of intelligence I never really understood what that meant until a short while ago. The reason was probably because the statement can be quite literal and also have deep philosophical meaning to it as well.

plant in a glass bulb

Recycling Reinvented

In my blogs I talk about recycling a lot. I stress the importance of it because yes, there are great alternatives out there to problems like paperless forms instead of traditional forms and yes there are new digital apps taking over what used to be done manually in books and so forth but because we cannot eliminate the use of actual physical products completely recycling is necessary so that nothing goes to waste.

green plants in a house

Food 3.0

Have you ever had a bunch of stats just thrown in your face? Like bam! There it is! Here you go. No? Well get ready cause I’m about to throw some numbers around.

Nine billion people will inhabit the earth before the next three decades. Fact. Right now we are at seven billion pushing to eight. Food production has to double if we are going to sustain human life at a reasonable level.
