Report from the AppsWorld Exhibition in San Francisco - part 1

Our enthisuatic team took off from the heart of Europe towards the distant United States so we could demonstrate our paperless platform. The journey took a whole day and by the end of it we very exhausted.

Before the exhibition itself we had a little time to walk around the city. San Francisco is a beautiful city and the people are extremely nice.

The day before the exhibition we had the chance to set up our booth. Without having a car the acquisition of tables and chairs was almost impossible in the city, but we managed to pull everything together by the end of the day. The day-to-day pedestrains might have found some humour in the three young people who carried a whole bunch of furniture along the streets of downtown.

On the first day of the event hundreds of people were lined-up in front of the doors well before the opening time. We had a lot of intruiging conversations with interesting people. Among the people there were developers, executives and also people who just came by. I think we can safely say that in general people over here care about their futures’ problems and are interested in solutions. SignTech is one them. Walking among the booth they were thrilled to look at the screen where the animation of ours showed the amount of saved trees.

The morale was flawless and we were looking towards for the next day with confidence.

Go paperless!

SignTech is an innovative paperless platform that creates forms and documents for full completion, signing and integration. For more information visit or email