SignTech Forms at the Santander Universities Entrepreneurship Awards

Since the conception of our business, SignTech Paperless Solutions, we have had the privilege of working with quite a number of businesses over the years, and one of them that remains quite memorable is Santander Bank.

Today SignTech Forms, represented by our Founder Leke and our CEO; Jerome, is going to be participating in the Santander Universities Entrepreneurship Award’s panel discussion at the university of Westminster.

As a more established business we have been invited to speak about the support that was provided by Cranfield Universites and Santander universities to our business.

We have had the great opportunity to have a very beneficial working relationship with Santander Bank; between 2016 and 2017 our founder, “Leke, was brought in to lead the Santander UK Paper-Free Programme where he transferred entrepreneurial techniques to Santander by introducing Agile and Rapid Value Realisation methods to successfully deliver the Paper-Free Programme, which resulted in the fast delivery of Quarterly Statements to all Retail Banking customers, creating instant savings and tangible benefits.”

We’re pleased to be on the panel discussion headed by Ana Botin, the executive chairman of Santander Bank. It shows that not only did we receive support from Santander but as we also helped them achieve some of their goals with the UK Paper-Free Programme, we built the foundations for a long-lasting mutually beneficial working relationship.

We hope that our inclusion in the panel will give other businesses that are just starting out a framework model for sustainablitiy and success- moving forward we know that SignTech Paperless Solutions and Santander Bank still have a long way to go and as we grow and become better and even more streamlined ourselves we will be able to do more for our business partners and provide even more tangible benefits than we did with the Paper-Free Programme.



SignTech Forms is an innovative paperless platform that converts existing forms and documents into paperless forms that can be completed on mobile devices and electronically signed seamlessly (with full data integration). For more information visit or email