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SignTech's Guide to Starting a Side Hustle

At SignTech Paperless we are firm believers of the dream. In fact- our company, SignTech paperless forms started off with a dream; we wanted companies to go paperless using our service and in turn create a more sustainable way of running their business. We wanted to save the planet and cutting paper consumption significantly is one way to make a world of difference. We have a dream, so of course we are believers of you having dreams too for your career, your business and your future.

Chances are, you’re reading this because you feel unfulfilled, or maybe you love your job but you’re feeling stuck financially. Your job doesn’t feel like anything but a job. It doesn’t feel like a precursor to greater things, or the path to financial freedom, it doesn’t feel like a source of fulfillment but rather you feel as though you’re living life in repeat doing the same thing over and over again without having a goal to reach for.

If this is what you’re going through, I have two words for you: Side business.

For many people a side business can mean many different things. For some it is to give them a little financial breathing space, for others it is not necessarily to make money but to pursue their passion, for others it is a gateway into a completely new career without having to sacrifice the security of a steady income, either way you look at it, a side business can be a great thing.

Starting a side business is the perfect solution for you if:

  • You would like to make more money without having to look for a completely new job
  • You would like to do something you love while still having the security of a steady income
  • You would like to try new things and explore other career options but you don’t want to take the risk of quitting your job
  • You would like to start saving towards your retirement quicker

There are many more reasons to start a side business and any reason is a good enough reason to start. So, we at SignTech will take you on a guide to starting your own successful side business. Without having to quit your job. Keep your eyes peeled for our special discount code in the weeks to come!


SignTech Forms is an innovative paperless platform that converts existing forms and documents into paperless forms that can be completed on mobile devices and electronically signed seamlessly (with full data integration). For more information visit or email