SignTech's Product Launch in Ghana

Remember when we told you that we had big plans for this year to expand into more parts of Africa?

We’ve been in Lagos for over half a year and although we’re dedicated to carving out a space for us in the Nigerian market, we have been planning to take our product to other parts of Africa as well. Ghana being one of them. We’ve been working on our product launch for Ghana for a while and we’re excited to say that it is only a few days away.

Head of IT arriving in Ghana

We arrived in Ghana on a Sunday evening, Adewunmi the head of IT, Jerome our CEO and we met with Pricilla our head project manager and Julius the head of international development for SignTech paperless solutions. Straight from the airport it was right to work on our presentation for the product launch on Thursday.

jerome at the airport

This Thursday is an exciting one for us, we are having our first product launch in Ghana where our CEO, Founder and rest of the Team will be in Ghana launching our innovative solution.

We strongly believe that Ghana’s economy is at a point of great innovative strides in technology for businesses. SignTech paperless solutions hopes to play a massive role in helping to put Ghana to be at the forefront of innovation and forward thinking practices putting them a step ahead of their competitors.


SignTech Forms is an innovative paperless platform that converts existing forms and documents into paperless forms that can be completed on smart devices and electronically signed seamlessly (with full data integration). For more information visit or email