Stan-Lee (1922-2018)

A creative mind, a genius and one of the core reasons that we can enjoy modern day cinema Stan Lee died just a few hours ago. Stan Lee was not only the co-creator of many, many iconic super heroes but also seen as the God Father of the Marvel Universe.

For anyone that doesn’t know who Stan Lee is, just think of every marvel super hero movie you’ve seen in the last 10 years- Iron Man, Spider-Man, Black Panther, X-Men- that’s all Stan Lee. He started his business in 1939, when he was just 17. One thing that made Stan’s characters stand out more than his competitors in the DC universe was their humanity. Peter parker had girl problems like every other young boy and the fantastic four had group quibbles his lovely personality shone through with his iconic cameos in every single marvel movie, from a passerby, to an unsuspecting librarian- Stan Lee was present in every one of his creations.

This news comes to us not as a complete shock but saddening nevertheless. Stan Lee died earlier today at the age of 95 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California after being rushed there for a medical emergency. Rest in Peace Stan. Or as he used to say…



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