What’s the Big Idea?

For those who don’t know, Elance hosted a competition, where start-up companies submit their ideas on what their start-up companies would do with $2,500 in Elance credits.

It started off with over 800 companies worldwide. And now its down to forty semi-finalists, in about seven different locations. Take a not-so-wild-guess and tell me what company is part of the forty? The one and only SignTech paperless solutions company!

If you’ve been following my blogs you’ll know that SignTech aside from being the company with the most innovative idea this year, is bent on bettering this planet with her ideas. Submitting our ideas to Elance is our way of trying to show the world what we’re about. Not just paperless solutions but innovation and forward movement. Luckily the judges at Elance recognised that and chose us out of their submissions worldwide.

We were provided $2,500 in Elance credits for our start-up company to use on Elance to build a project. And now, we will pitch our final project to judges in eight local competitions on January 30, 2014.

Eight finalists will be chosen by the judges, fingers crossed, SignTech will be amongst them.

The eight finalists will compete and pitch their company and final products in an online competition on February 6, 2014.

This online competition is one that you all are invited to, it will be interesting to see what the others come up with and maybe get some inspiration of your own.

The Grand Prize winner will receive a lot of (hopefully that will be us) Elance credits plus an online meeting with venture capitalists. The Grand prize winner will be announced on the Elance blog on February 7, 2014.

Right now, as you’re reading this. SignTech Paperless solutions is one of those forty semi-finalists. The grand prize of Elance credits isn’t the only thing that we would look forward to. Rackspace are offering all 5 semi-finalists £15,900 worth of Rackspace Cloud Hosting credits!

We’ve worked very hard for this and optimistically we will be announced as the grand prize winner, so watch out for the Elance blog on February 7th!

Come support us and hear out our ideas as we take SignTech to the next level.

SignTech is an innovative paperless platform that creates forms and documents for full completion, signing and integration. For more information visit www.signtechforms.com or email info@signtechforms.com.