When Style Meets Sustainability

Is it fashionable to be eco-friendly? Sometimes no. You have to reuse old things and forgo the shiny looking new object that you so badly wanted to buy all in the name of “saving the planet”.

Wouldn’t you rather your table look great set with the best, shiniest cutlery and coasters, placemats rather than the homemade ones you crafted out of old jeans and scraps of paper? Of course you would, especially the ladies. We love new things.

Things like going paperless and incorporating paper-free ideas into your everyday lifestyle don’t seem so important when weighed with the ultimate question, “How do I look?”

Well gladly, for all you eco-activists out there like me there is a way. An affordable way, that also looks as good as buying new things. Maybe even better.

And I’m not talking about some great looking dress made out of waste and garbage that will never go into commercialization but great looking clothes that are focused on being green.

Asos is the culprit. Many of you probably already know this online shopping site. Made widely popular for its option of free international shipping worldwide and very affordable clothes, and stylish outlets Asos is my number one option for when it comes to online clothes shopping. What many people don’t know is that this online shopping giant, has also taken it upon themselves to go as eco friendly as its possibly possible- well for the exception of going paperless of course.

There is a shopping section called the Green Room. There are so many treasures there that you can find and at incredibly affordable prices. From dresses that were used in the 80’s to bags that are made up of some recycled materials, but trust me, they look nothing but new.

As though to prove their seriousness in the quest to save the planet, they became the first online fashion retailer to become CarbonNeutral. An initiative taken on by the company to reduce its emission of CO2 gases.

Here is an excerpt of the things that they have done so far according to CarbonNeutral:

“ASOS.com’s largest sources of emissions are packaging and customer delivery. Therefore, ASOS.com is focusing on the redesign of its packaging - all delivery boxes are now 100% recycled and recyclable - with a size reduction to minimize transporting air - and delivery bags are currently being made more environmentally friendly. In addition to this, inbound air freight has been significantly reduced and is actively discouraged by the company.

The company is engaging employees to be more environmentally conscious by introducing bike racks instead of car parking spaces; hosting events to promote cycling and walking, and launching a campaign called “Cut out a kilo of CO2”, which encourages staff to switch off monitors and lights…”

So whenever you think about going online shopping, why don’t you take a second look at Asos? Asides from having what I think are some of the best styles out there; they also leave the smallest dent in your wallet for good quality.

If paperless isn’t your thing, and maybe you’re more inclined to the stylish side of life you know where to go. The free international shipping doesn’t hurt either.

SignTech is an innovative paperless platform that creates forms and documents for full completion, signing and integration. For more information visit www.signtechforms.com or email info@signtechforms.com.