Is Your Paper Holding You Back?
Sometimes when we at SignTech talk to people about going paperless people seem interested till we get on to the topic of cost. SignTech is affordable for every type of business, there are packages for small businesses through to large organisations. SignTech manages to ensure that anyone and everyone can afford it the paperless business forms platform and service. The solution includes, android, iOS and Windows Phone platforms.
It is interesting that some people think they are saving money by not buying SignTech services, however little do you know that by not integrating SignTech into your business processes you’re in fact loosing the opportunity to save millions of dollars that is being spent on paper and paper based processes.
Going paperless is more than saving money, it’s about saving the environment, time and resources but yes, it also saves money, a lot of it. Something as simple as double-sided printing can save your company thousands of dollars a year imagine what no printing could do for you. According to QUE® a typical U.S. office worker uses more than 10,000 sheets of paper per year.
The main costs of paper documentation fall into copying, delivery, handling, storage, and retrieval, with copying costs at 33% and distribution costs at 56%, according to the Alameda study.
Think of the costs of filing cabinets which can be as expensive as $1000 each, they take up to 60% of some offices’ space, this is space that could be used to create better working environments for the employees and possibly expand. About 45% of stored paper/files are duplicated, with 80% never accessed again. This is not even taking into account the headache of finding and wading through hundred of files and folders – valuable time that you will be saving.
Filing cabinets can easily be replaced with hard drives. Just 150GB is the equivalent of 70 filing cabinets, and today 1TB hard drive goes for just $200 or less, that can hold over $100,000 worth of filing cabinets and save countless feet of rented floor space in your office.
Studies show that for companies the best method of cost-reduction and resource management is paper management and reduction.
This is where SignTech Paperless Solutions comes in. With the e-forms and paperless business forms solution SignTech can save you up to thousands of dollars when used effectively. The bank of America cut its paper consumption by 25% in just two years by just increasing the use of online forms and reports, double sided copying and lighter weight paper.
The key question - are you managing your paper effectively for your company? SignTech is a great way to effectively manage your company’s costs, paper use and paper.
Paper not only cost a lot to your company but it’s a great cost to the environment. One tree that’s over 10 years old can supply oxygen for two people, these trees are being cut down for paper, with effective use of your resources and proper paper management this can be reduced greatly.
SignTech is an innovative paperless platform that creates forms and documents for full completion, signing and integration. For more information visit www.signtechforms.com or email info@signtechforms.com.