SignTech Diaries: Boot camp!

If our success story were filled with only successes it wouldn’t be a real success story, that’s what I tell myself so I don’t feel bad about loosing. It is with great sadness that we at SignTech paperless solutions let you know that the last thing we did as a company didn’t exactly “go through”. But we didn’t let it get us down, we made the most of the opportunities presented to us while we were there.

Everything took place from Thursday to Sunday. The scene of everything was the beautiful city of Copenhagen in Denmark. We spent time in the city; we were very pleased to realize that it was nothing like the fast-paced bustle of London but much calmer.

For the first two days we had no time to take in the beautiful scenery, everything was business first, and so off to the boot camp startup competition we went. Although everything didn’t go as planned at the event but we did make some great progress with marketing and broadening our horizons. For two days we presented to many mentors and investors at the event (a total of thirteen investors/mentors) and although we didn’t get selected we did raise some interest in SignTech amongst the people that were there.

It was great because we got to show the beauty of the app that is SignTech and demonstrate what it could do for companies and the environment.

One of the things I love about the events is that we meet with the people who are most likely to make a big difference in the corporate world in terms of ecological progress. We educate them on the importance of going paperless and why being paper free is the best next step for their (and your) company and the environment.

Once the business was taken care of we did some sightseeing. I cannot say this enough but Denmark is a beautiful country, Copenhagen is an amazing city filled with sights and architecture that’s very pleasing to the eye.

We went to so many places and saw the beautiful sights; the shore, the little mermaid. We visited the round tower, the tower at Christiansborg Palace and Amalienborg Palace. Sightseeing was a way to cheer us up after our slight disappointment at the event and w got to explore the city and make the most of our time.

All in all we had a productive event in Denmark and we hope you’ll see the results of our efforts soon in the way we improve on our app. Remember, we do it just for you.

SignTech is an innovative paperless platform that creates forms and documents for full completion, signing and integration. For more information visit or email