SignTech, the Brightsparc of the World
That title, might just be a bit of an over statement because I am biased and I love SignTech. But it isn’t so terribly farfetched either.
Just a short while ago, SignTech, our innovative paperless company won some very well deserved recognition for our hard and yes, innovative work in the corporate and domestic world today. We were given the highly coveted BrightSparc award for the best innovative use of technology for business. To say that something like this was long overdue would be the understatement of the century.
Despite being a fairly new company, as we’ve only been active for just over two years, SignTech has garnered some considerable amount of recognition in the short time its been active. We were selected as on of the top big ideas in the UK by Elance, a well-known freelance company and we have hundreds of clients that implement SignTech into their businesses.
Not to toot our own horn but we are also the number 1 search result for “paperless business forms” in the UK and the number 3 search result for the same term worldwide.
As we gained clients we also gained recognition from notable people like the CEO of Santander’s bank in the UK, praising us for our excellent product. After hearing these things don’t you want to be associated with us? Wouldn’t you like to go paperless right now?
Our mission is to go paperless completely and to that effect, very recently we decided to try something new and we named it SignTech Speedy sign. This is for a customer that wants quick results, and I’m talking extremely quick. It just coverts the PDF into a “signable” document. You sign, convert it back into a PDF and send. Its all done by you.
- When you receive a PDF to sign you can open it in SignTech
- Once opened in SignTech you simply add text, add a legally binding signature (using the signature pad that automatically appears) and add the date
- Click o n the 'create pdf' button and the document is instantly made into a PDF right before your eyes
- You can then send the PDF as an email attachment
Note: the completed PDFs are stored on your device for future reference. Also, if you do not create a PDF straight away it is stored in your draft forms section.
SignTech Forms is an innovative paperless platform that converts existing forms and documents into paperless forms that can be completed on mobile devices and electronically signed seamlessly (with full data integration). For more information visit www.signtechforms.com or email expert@signtechforms.com. Don’t forget- SignTech is crowd-funding! To see how you can be a part of our Seedr Campaign and really be a part of our company click here.