SignTech Makes it Easy

Are you frustrated with the time consuming process of completing and filling forms. Are you tired of wasting money buying stacks of paper that would only be discarded shortly after? What about those pesky printing costs?

Well the good news is there is a smarter way! SignTech is paperless platform that allows you to complete and sign any document, any place anywhere in just a matter of seconds. There would no need to print and scan anymore; it will become a thing of the past!

All you would need to do is:

  • Download the paperless form
  • Complete the blank field in mobile device
  • Make it legally binding by signing the document on a mobile device
  • Information will then be entered automatically into your business’ database. And, you can have access to it anytime you want.


Now, you will be able to focus on building quality relationships with your consumers rather than being burdened with the paper work around it. Furthermore, you will save 80 % of the time normally taken by paper based form management, whilst eliminating the cost of paper and printing as well.

You may be wondering how long it would take to make your organization paperless. Surely, it should take a long time right?

Wrong. It can take only a day to make your business paperless. Your forms can be converted to paperless business forms using our digital form builder in just 2 hours.

When you upload your form into the SignTech system, in just 2 hours your converted form can be completed and signed with any mobile device. And, a PDF formatted document will be created which can be sent easily to anywhere in the world.

Our system reduces time, costs and completely eradicates manual errors.

Moreover, using SignTech paperless technology , you can make your forms available to millions of touch screen devices in just two hours, and enable them to complete paperless business forms and sign easily on their mobile devices’ touch screen.


Chose paperless business forms over cumbersome paper forms, and make your office operations so much more easier.

Do not hesitate any longer. Take a step towards the paperless office future with SignTech paperless solutions

(P.S- You can sign up for free)


SignTech Forms is an innovative paperless platform that converts existing forms and documents into paperless forms that can be completed on mobile devices and electronically signed seamlessly (with full data integration).  For more information visit or email