Exiting Lockdown

We have had lockdown restrictions imposed for nearly six weeks and there now appears to be a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel signalling the lifting of conditions.  I personally do not think we will simply return to the way we used to do things prior to the lockdown.  Now that we have been forced to adapt there are some positive outcomes that have emerged.

I have been engaged in conversations about how to keep businesses up and running during the lockdown, some of which have resulted in a number of innovative and interesting solutions being deployed to our clients. The general direction clearly involves digitising business processes and making them cloud enabled so that staff, customers and users can interact effectively, pass information from one person to another and complete forms/documents without the need to physically be in the same location.

It is important that we look at the current situation as an opportunity to improve our business processes, make them more efficient, green, environmentally friendly and at the same time significantly reduce our operational and admin costs.  

A smooth and controlled return to business will be key to ensuring your company thrives in the current COVID-19 environment.  This will see changes to working practices and it is vital that staff and teams are well supported during this transition phase.

Feel free to contact me directly to discuss further and explore innovative methods of reducing your costs and digitising your business processes and workflows – you’d be amazed at what is out there and how affordable the solutions are.  One thing that is clear is you will realise a net financial  benefit (Leke@signtechforms.com).

SignTech Forms is an innovative paperless platform that converts existing forms and documents into paperless forms that can be completed on mobile devices and electronically signed seamlessly (with full data integration). For more information visit www.signtechforms.com or email expert@signtechforms.com.

Photo by Bruno Scramgnon from Pexels

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